Yair Ariel • November-11-2015
What a week we had at the IAAPA 2015 show in Orlando this past week. We are tired from all the time on our feet playing games (someone had to do it), but so excited that we were able to speak with many current customers and introduce countless others to BEAM interactive floor projector games and how it can benefit their facilities. The children loved the new games and their parents were happy to join in on the fun as well.

IAAPA 2015
BEAM features at IAAPA 2015
In addition to showing the system in action, we made several announcements to make your BEAM experience even better than it was before.
First, BEAM for tables made its official debut to the North American Market and really had people talking.
Now you can play your favorite BEAM floor games while waiting for your food. You have the option of selecting different games through the interactive menu and also the ability to control the sound and even turn off the projection for a moment while eating. Operators were loving the fact that it will project onto your existing tables whether round or rectangular, giving them maximum flexibility.
Second, Instead of rotating games each quarter for our lease clients, we are now adding one additional game each month! Now you are building a library of games to make your playlists even more diverse and exciting.
Next, our new games are also having mobile versions developed for them so you will be able to play your favorite games on your phone or tablet (iOS or Android) any time you wish. Many were able to download our latest game Coo Coo Nuts and play it the rest of their time at IAAPA 2015 and you can too! Visit joinbeam.com/apps to get it for yourself.
Lastly, we made the announcement of our option to use BEAM interactive projector games with a pay-per-play option through our app that is under final testing. This has been one of the most requested enhancements we have been asked about and it will now be here shortly.
These are exciting times at BEAM and we are excited about what the future holds and being able to work with all different types of facilities to increase their customer experience and satisfaction. We want to thank all of you who came to visit our booth and hope to speak with you all soon.
About BEAM
BEAM interactive projector games is an award-winning interactive projection game system that instantly enhances the customer experience at your business with endless fun, excitement, entertainment, and engagement. For more information about the BEAM system and how it can help make the difference in your waiting room, contact the BEAM Team today!