Yair Ariel • March-3-2017
Sure, so you probably know that the Family Entertainment Center industry is pulling in close to $2 billion a year in revenue. Â That is a great chunk of revenue, but did you know the Family Entertainment Center industry is boasting one of the slowest growths?

3 Key Steps to Find Family Entertainment Center Bliss
Over the next three years, the industry is expected to grow by a very paltry 0.5%.  With a rise in competition, failure to diversify and provide entertainment for the entire family and the threat of home family entertainment, is this really a surprise?  If you don’t strengthen the arsenal your Family Entertainment Center provides, you will struggle in overcoming the mommy/daddy veto vote and convince them your Family Entertainment Center is THE GO-TO place.
Follow the simple 3 keys and find FEC bliss at your center.
Provide food
No, not a snack bar with hockey puck burgers and a dismal slice of pie. Â Instead, provide something unique, something substantial, something that will truly stand out. Does it have to be high-quality food? Â Maybe. Â More importantly, make something unique. Â
Taking a cue from Bar Rescue, create a signature Family Entertainment Center dish, perfect it and provide simple variations. Â Or get your customers involved in creating a dish and make it fun. Â Hold a contest for your customers to create an idea for a dish. Â
The winning family of the contest receives a free night of bowling or three hours on the trampolines, etc. Â Then start working on the dish with a bit of trial and error, but most importantly, get customer feedback. Â
Once you have created the perfect dish, have an official unveiling for the dish, where the first 100 people get to try the dish for free. By getting the customers involved you address two areas of paramount importance – 1) creating something your customers will love; and 2) getting customers involved will make them feel important (of course this will lead to telling others about your great customer service).  The idea for a customer focused contest is the perfect segue to the second point.
Focus on customer service
Customer service has the same level of importance as the products or services of your Family Entertainment Center.  It drives revenue growth. Period. If you want to know the importance of customer service, visit an FEC’s (any Family Entertainment Center) Facebook or Google page and check out the reviews.  You may not see many positive reviews about the customer service and staff, but I can guarantee you will see complaints.Â
Excellent customer service is not only desired, but it’s also expected.  There is no magic or rocket science behind customer service.  It’s pretty simple, but quite often assumed, so it’s easily overlooked.  Remember the adage, treat your customers the way you want to be treated.  Remember, it’s not just you. The clerks at the front desk, the people taking drink orders, the people cleaning the floors – have them all treat customers with kindness and a smile.
Customers need to feel important, from when they walk in the door until they leave. You need to build the entire culture of your facility to be customer-centric. Â With this approach, you enchant customers and grow your fan customer base.
Embrace technology
What is your latest and greatest attraction? Are you still using the same archaic technology that has been the staple of Family Entertainment Centers for over a decade? Perhaps the biggest reason the Family Entertainment Center industry is experiencing almost stagnant growth is sluggishness in adopting new technology.
Without embracing technology and creating a new immersive experience, it’s difficult to differentiate yourself.  We have entered what I like to call the swipe and tap era. Why do I call it this?
The next time you visit a restaurant, look around the restaurant and count the number of kids glued to an electronic device. You need to embrace technology like this in your Family Entertainment Center. Employ technology that offers virtual or augmented reality. Using interactive projection game systems, you combine visual stimulation of tablets with physical activity; synonymous with Family Entertainment Centers.
Incorporating this type of technology allows Family Entertainment Centers to fully immerse customers in a unique experience, far exceeding expectations. Â But this technology appeals to parents as much as children. Â And because of this, you create an experience that trumps the parent veto vote because of the excitement it brings to both children and parents. Â Focus on the customer; they demand a family entertainment center that will keep them coming back for more. Â
About BEAM By EyeClick
BEAM interactive projector game system is an interactive projection system that mounts overhead and displays fun, engaging games on an open space below, converting your floor into a magical indoor playground. Businesses everywhere are turning to BEAM to create unforgettable experiences for their customers.